

LeanValue™ goes beyond traditional entrepreneurship where a business idea is replicated to form a company. Instead, it focuses on identifying problems to turn them into disruptive and innovative solutions following Validating Learning principles.


Validating Learning reaches beyond theoretical training and embeds praxis into the equation through co-creation and iterative validation tools found in Lean and agile innovation models such as Design Thinking, Lean Startup, Customer Development, Scrum, among others.


The methodology features LEAN concepts that leverage both the simplicity and effectiveness of agile: build fast and cheap, measure and learn as you move forward or iterate; while combining them with Creative Problem Solving tools that Create Value for clients, hence its name: LeanValue™.   


The LeanValue™ methodology is integrated into every aspect of my mentoring program.


The innovation workshops also adhere to the same Validated Learning principles, tailoring them to fit the dynamics of each workshop and its respective topics. 


LeanValue™ revolves around three functional hubs: Connect – Experiment – Apply.

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It aims to raise awareness and, as the name suggests, connect entrepreneurs with the methodology, its concepts and basic assumptions.


Entrepreneurs, in an experiential way, run tests and drills, learn the approach first-hand and face the challenges built into the methodology and its tools.

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Participants implement the knowledge, concepts and tools into their idea or project, fulfilling the iterative purpose of «Validated Learning».

Where are you in your entrepreneurial journey? 


Let me guide you!

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